Professor, İstinye Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü, 2019- Continues Professor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2001 - 2019 Associate Professor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, 1993 - 2001 Assistant Professor, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, 1990 - 1993 Doctorate, The UniversityOf Manitoba, F, Canada 1986 - 1990
Araştırma Alanları
- Food Engineering
- Food Science and Technology
Çalışma Alanları
- Mühendislik Temel Alanı
- Gıda Bilimleri ve Mühendisliği
- Tahıl Teknolojisi
- Gıda Kimyası
- Development of SYBR green-based real time PCR assays for detection and quantification of adulteration in wheat-based composite breads and their in-house validation, 2019
- Development of a peptide substrate for detection of sunn pest damage in wheat flour, 2018
- Changes in the functional constituents and phytic acid contents of firiks produced from wheats at different maturation stages, 2018
- Extraction of soluble β-glucan from oat and barley fractions: Process efficiency and dispersion stability, 2018
- An innovative approach for significantly increasing enzyme resistant starch type 3 content in high amylose starches by using extrusion cooking, 2017
- Effect of steam explosion on enzymatic hydrolysis and baking quality of wheat bran, 2017
- An investigation on the effect of heat-moisture treatment on baking quality of wheat by using response surface methodology, 2017
- A novel method for ash analysis in wheat milling fractions by using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 2017
- Determination of Ca addition to the wheat flour by using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy LIBS Gonca BilgeBanu SezerKemal Efe EsellerHalil BerberoğluHamit Kökselİsmail Hakkı Boyac, 2016
- Determination of wheat bug Eurygaster spp damage in durum wheat Triticum durum L by electrophoresis and rapid visco analyser, 2016
- Expansion in chickpea Cicer arietinum L seed during soaking and cooking, 2016
- Ash analysis of flour sample by using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, 2016
- Effects of formulation and extrusion cooking conditions on furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural content, 2015
- Grain Science and Industry in Turkey Past Present and Future, 2015
- Optimization of the reaction conditions for the production of cross linked starch with high resitant starch content, 2015
- Modelling thermal degradation of zearalenone in maize bread during baking, 2014
- Effects of formulation extrusion cooking condiitons and CO2 injection on the formation of acrylamide in corn extrudates, 2014
- Hull less barley flour supplemented corn extrudates produced by conventional extrusion and CO2 injection process, 2014
- Production and characterisation of resistant starch and its utilisation as food ingredient a review, 2014
- Modelling thermal degradation of zearalenone in maize bread during baking, 2013
- Formation of resistant starch from amylotype corn starch and determination of the functional properties, 2013
- Effects of washing and drying applications on deoxynivalenol and zearalenone levels in wheat World Mycotoxin Journal, 2013
- Physical and chemical properties of tomato green tea and ginseng supplemented corn extrudates produced by conventional extrusion and CO2 injection process, 2013
- Effects of cold extrusion process on thiamine and riboflavin contents of fortified corn extrudates, 2012
- Characterization of a glutenin specific serine proteinase of sunn bug Eurygaster integricepts, 2011
- A study on degree of starch gelatinization in cakes baked in three different ovens, 2011
- Production of resistant starch from acid modified amylotype starches with enhanced funcitonal properties, 2011
- Thermal degradation of deoxynivalenol during maize bread baking, 2011
- Solid loss during water absorption of chickpea Cicer arietinum L, 2011
- Multiple stage extraction strategy for the determination of deoxynivalenol in maize, 2011
- Production of resistant starch from acid modified amylotype starches with enhaced functional properties, 2011
- Utilization of apricot kernel flour as fat replacer in cookies, 2010
- Effects of suni bug Eurygaster spp damage on milling properties and semolina quality of durum wheats Triticum durum L, 2009
- Effects of zero trans interesterified and non interesterified shortenings and brewers spent grain on cookie quality, 2009
- Effects of suni bug Eurygaster spp damage on size distribution of durum wheat Triticum durum L proteins, 2009
- Degradation of organophosphorus pesticides in wheat during cookie processing, 2009
- Investigation on the Functional Properties of Chestnut Flours and Their Potential Utilization in Low fat Cookies, 2009
- Farinograph properties and bread quality of flours supplemented with resistant starch, 2009
- Effect of debranching and heat treatments on formation and functional properties of resistant starch from high amylose corn starches, 2009
- Potential utilization of Mixolab for quality evaluation of bread wheat genotypes, 2009
- Effects of fiber rich apple and apricot powders on cookie quality, 2009
- Charactization of resistant starch samples prepared from two high amylose maize starches through debranching and heat treatments, 2009
- Predicting the cookie quality of flours by using Mixolab, 2008
- Effects of suni bug Eurygaster spp damage on semolina properties and spaghetti quality characteristics of durum wheats Triticum durum L, 2008
- Emulsion and pasting properties of resistant starch with locust bean gum and their utilization in low fat cookie formulations, 2008
- Dissipation of organophosphorus pesticides in wheat during pasta processing, 2008
- Phytochemical quantification and total antioxidant capacities of emmer Triticum dicoccon Schrank and einkorn Triticum monococcum L wheat landraces, 2008
- Improving effect of lyophilization on functional properties of resistant starch preparations formed by acid hydrolysis and heat treatment, 2008
- Utilization of Mixolab to predict the suitability of flours in terms of cake quality, 2008
- Evaluation of molecular weight distribution pasting and functional properties and enzyme resistant starch content of acid modified corn starches, 2008
- Partial characterization of starch in flours of ancient wheat and wild progenitor accessions, 2008
- Functional properties of microwave treated wheat gluten, 2008
- Chemical and sensory properties of new gluten free food products rice and corn tarhana, 2008
- A Practical spectrophotometric approach for the determination of lipoxygenase activity of durum wheat, 2007
- Residue levels of malathion and fenitrothion and their metabolites in postharvest treated barley during storage and malting, 2007
- Effects of genotype and environment on ß glucan and dietary fiber contents of hull less barleys grown in Turkey, 2007
- Effects of Dough Formula and Baking Conditions on Acrylamide and Hydroxymethylfurfural Formation in Cookies, 2007
- A classification system for beans using computer vision system and artificial neural networks, 2007
- Effect of acid modification and heat treatments on resistant starch formation and functional properties of corn starch, 2007
- Electron beam technology for modifying the functional properties of maize starch, 2007
- A new approach for the utilization of barley in food products Barley tarhana, 2006
- The investigation of the secondary structures of various peptide sequences of ß casein by molecular modeling, 2006
- Effects of increasing levels of transglutaminase on cooking quality of bran supplemented spaghetti, 2006
- Residue levels of malathion and its metabolites and fenitrothion in post harvest treated wheat during storage milling and baking, 2005
- Effects of High Protease Activity Flours and Commercial Proteases on Cookie Quality, 2005
- Halogen Lamp Microwave Combination Baking of Cookies, 2005
- Utilization of Suni Bug Eurygaster spp Damaged Wheat in Extrusion Cooking, 2005
- The Effects Of Protein Rich Fraction and Defatting on Pasting Behaviour Chickpea Starch, 2005
- Effects of extrusion variables on the properties of waxy hulless barley extrudates, 2004
- Effects of irradiation on protein electrophoretic properties water absorption and cooking quality of lentils, 2004
- Effects of irradiation on protein electrophoretic properties water absorption and cooking quality of dry bean and chickpea, 2004
- Utilization of Transglutaminase to Increase the Level of Barley and Soy Flour Incorporation in Wheat Flour Breads, 2003
- Molecular modeling of various peptide sequences of gliadins and LMW glutenin subunits, 2003
- A Rapid Method for the Estimation of Damaged Starch in Wheat Flours, 2003
- Application Of Unreacted Core Model To In Situ Gelatinization Of Chickpea Starch, 2003
- Development of a bulgur like product using extrusion cooking, 2003
- Application of unreacted core model to in situ gelatinization of chickpea starch, 2003
- Effects of industrial pasta drying temperatures on starch properties and pasta quality, 2002
- Wheat intercultivar differences in susceptibility of gluten proteins to effects of wheat bug Eurygaster integriceps protease, 2002
- Effects of Pasta Drying Temperatures on Starch Properties and Pasta Quality, 2002
- Commercial milling of suni bug Eurygaster spp damaged wheat, 2002
- Effects of increasing levels of transglutaminase on the rheological properties and bread quality characteristics of two wheat flours, 2002
- An Application of lineer regression technique for predicting bulgur yield and quality of wheat cultivars, 2002
- Effects of transglutaminase on SDS Page patterns of wheat soy and barley proteins and their blends, 2002
- Effects of brewer s spent grain on the quality and dietary fiber content of cookies, 2002
- Molecular modeling of two hexapeptide repeat motifs of HMW glutenin subunits, 2001
- Effects of transglutaminase enzyme on fundamental rheological properties of sound and bug damaged wheat flour doughs, 2001
- Dietary fiber content of bulgur as affected by wheat variety, 2001
- Effects of barley flour and wheat bran supplementation on the properties and composition of Turkish flat bread yufka, 2001
- Effects of wheat maturation stage and cooking method on dietary fiber and phytic acid content of firik a wheat based local food, 2001
- Effects of genotype and environment on malt ß glucanase activity, 2001
- Molecular modeling of pentapeptide tetrapeptide sequences of C hordein, 2001
- Multicanonical simulations of five tetrapeptide sequences in the central domain of HMW glutenin, 2000
- Effects of oxidizing agents and defatting on the electrophoretic patterns of flour proteins during dough mixing, 2000
- Effects of sugar beet fiber on spaghetti quality, 2000
- Effects of sugar beet fiber on the quality and dietary fiber content of extrusion products, 2000
- Effects of wheat bug Eurygaster maura protease on gluten proteins, 1999
- Use of EPR spin probe technique for detection of irradiated wheat, 1999
- Barley bulgur Effect of cooking method on chemical composition, 1999
- Inactivation of sugar beet polyphenoloxidase by steam blanching, 1999
- Effects of wheat maturation stage and cooking method on physical and chemical Properties of firiks, 1999
- Effects of sugar beet fiber on cookie quality, 1999
- Utilization of sugar beet fiber in the production of high fiber bread, 1999
- Properties and composition of Turkish flat bread bazlama supplemented with barley flour and wheat bran, 1999
- Effects of Wheat Bug Eurygaster maura Protease on Glutenin Proteins, 1999
- Chemical and physical characterisation of sugar beet fiber, 1998
- Effects of Wheat Bug Eurygaster maura proteolytic enzymes on electrophoretic properties of gluten proteins, 1998
- Classification of wheat grains by digital image analysis with the use of statistical filters, 1998
- The effect of zinc supplemented bread consumption on school children with asymptomatic zinc deficiency, 1998
- Effects of gamma irradiation of barley and malt on malting quality, 1998
- Use of statistical filters in the classification of wheats by image analysis, 1998
- Comparison of physical properties of raw and roasted chickpeas leblebi, 1998
- Application of electron paramagnetic resonance spin probe technique for detection of irradiated wheat, 1998
- Effects of cultivar and environment on ß glucan content and malting quality of Turkish barleys, 1998
- Effects of gamma irradiation on durum wheats and spaghetti quality, 1996
- Unexpected strengthening effects of a couarse bran of a wheat variety on dough rheological properties and baking quality, 1996
- Zinc Supplemented bread and its utilization in zinc deficiency, 1995
- The influence of wheat drying temperatures on the birefringence and X ray diffraction patterns of wet warvested wheat starch, 1993
- Resistant Starch as a Functional Ingredient in Foods, 2017
- The Properties and Utilization of Resistant Starch: A Novel LowCalorie Food Ingredient, 2017
- A Study on the Effects of the Heat and Moisture Treatments onWheat Quality, 2016
- Modification of Cereal Brans by Steam Explosion Combined with Enzymatic Treatment for Improved Use as Food Ingredient,
- Health Benefits of Whole Grain Products andAppertaining Misleading Claims, 2017
- Effects of Wheat Kernel Size on Various Quality Characteristics, 2017
- Flour Milling Technology and Recent Developments,
- Effects of arabinoxylan hydrolyzing enzymes on rheological properties and baking quality of whole wheat flours, 2017
- Geçmişten Bugüne Anadolu’da Ekmek, 2017
- Glycemic index of frequently consumed bread types used for healthy subjects and chronic diseases, 2017
- Does different preperation and cooking methods impact on the glycemic index of the potato?, 2017
- Development of an industrial method for production of low phytic acid high soluble fiber content whole wheat bread, 2016
- Utilization of NIR and MIR Spectroscopy with Different Chemometric Techniques for the Prediction ofWheat Flour Quality Parameters, 2016
- Effects of Location Onsome Quality Traits in Durum Wheat Triticum Durum Varieties, 2016
- Determination of Dietary Fiber Content of Different Bread and Flours Produced in Sanli Urfa, 2016
- A New Advanced Method for Ash Analysis of Cereal Products by Using Laser Induced BreakdownSpectroscopy, 2016
- Modification of Cereal Brans by Mechanical Thermal and or Enzymatic Methods for Improved Use as FoodIngredient, 2016
- Evaluation of Some Soft Wheat Genotypes for Cookie Quality and the Correlations Between CookieCharacteristics and Quality Parameters, 2016
- Effects of Formulation and CO2 Injection Process on Physical Properties of CornBased Extrudates, 2016
- Potential Utilization of Chestnut Flours in Low fat Cookies, 2016
- Chickpea Quality Processing and Utilization An Overview, 2016
- Optimisation of Modified Sedimentation Test with Interlaboratory Comparison, 2016
- Quality Evaluation of Flour Milling Streams in Laboratory Milling, 2016
- A Reliable Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Adulteration in Wheat Flour Based CompositeBreads, 2016
- Utilization of Durum Wheat Flour in Extrusion Cooking, 2016
- Bread Crumb Extrudates, 2016
- A Study on the Effects of the Heat and Moisture Treatments onWheat Quality, 2016
- In house validation of DNA Extraction Method from flour samples and rye maize and oat flour contents in wheat flour based composite breads, 2015
- A Real Time PCR Method for Detection of Maize Oats and rye flours contents in wheat flour based composite breads, 2015
- Nutritional and Health Benefits of Traditional Cereal Based Products and Recent Misleading Claims, 2015
- Harald Perten Award, 2016