Faculty of Health Sciences

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (English)


What is Telerehabilitation?

Telerehabilitation refers to the transportation of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services to long distances by using electronic communication systems. This service is provided by members of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and the intern students in clinical practice under the coordination of Assoc. Prof. Yasemin BURAN ÇIRAK. You can get exercise counseling and suggestions from our physiotherapists after the evaluation.

Who Can Participate?

All individuals who have neurological problems, spinal cord injuries, musculoskeletal system and spine problems, muscle diseases, respiratory problems, posture problems, pressure injuries, who need home care services and physiotherapy and rehabilitation can apply and participate in the program.

How can I join?

You can access the application link on the website of Istinye University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department. To join the application, you need internet access to which you can connect via video conference. If you want to participate, you need to send us your name and phone number. You will be contacted through the telerehabilitation system of Istinye University and an appointment will be made.

Or, you can make an appointment with us by creating a username and logging in via the link below. The application and the service to be provided are completely free.


Telerehabilitation by Numbers

In the 2020-2021 academic year, approximately 1260 sessions were provided to 46 patients with the contributions of 10 lecturers and 62 intern students from the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department.
