She graduated from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty in 1985. She completed specialty education in Anadolu University Faculty of Medicine Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department. Until 2006, she took part in Istanbul Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital specialist doctor staff. In addition, she served as a board member at Private Incirli Hospital for three years. Between 2007 and 2016, she worked as a responsible doctor and institution manager at Bayrampaşa Municipality Physical Therapy and Disability Rehabilitation Center. Between 2012-2016, she worked as a lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University, Vocational School of Physical Therapy. She has been working as a faculty member at ISU Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation since 2016. She has several publications on Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. She took part in the founding staff of many civilian organizations; Sağlık-Sen, founder of the Istanbul branch, Member of the Board of Hayat Health and Social Welfare Foundation, Turkey Spinal Cord Injury Association Board Member. In addition, she established the first physical therapy unit in IBB Kayışdağı Darülaceze. She is the founder and responsible for Hüsnü Ayık Private Nursing Home, which was established by TOFD for Spinal Cord Paralytics.
Araştırma Alanları
- Disability Rehabilitation
- Civil Society Organizations
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon
- Cultural adaptation and Turkish version of Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities in individuals with spinal cord injury: a reliability and validity study, 2022
- Effect of Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides on Stiffness of Lumbar Stabilizer Muscles in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial, 2021
- Postpartum Spinal Osteoporosis: An Unusual Cause of Low Back Pain, 2010
- post partum osteoporosis, 2010
- the functional ındepence measure in spinal cord injured patients, 1997
- A Surface Electromyography Based Serious Game For Increasing Patient Participation To Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Treatment Following Anterior Cruciate and Medial Collateral Ligaments Operations, 2018
- The effects of virtual reality on pulmonary functions, functional level and pain in the early period after open heart surgery, 2020
- COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle sosyal izolasyon sürecinde olan yetişkin bireylere uygulanan video temelli egzersiz programının etkilerinin incelenmesi, 2021
- Median Sinir Nöromobilizasyonunun Median Sinir Elastikiyetine Etkisi, 2020
- Comparison of Physical Performance and Spirometry Values According to Fall Risk of COPD Subjects, 2020
- Nonspesifik Bel Ağrılı Bireylerde Toralumbal Fasya Germe Uygulamasının Lumbal Stabilizatör Kasların Elastikiyeti Üzerine Etkisi, 2019
- Nonspesifik Bel Ağrılı Bireylerde Mulligan Konsepti Sürekli Doğal Apofizyal Kayma Uygulamasının Lumbal Stabilizatör Kasların Elastikiyeti Üzerine Etkisi, 2019
- Nonspesifik Bel Ağrısı Olan Bireylerde Elastik Bant Uygulamasının Kas Elastikiyeti ve Postural Kontrol Üzerine Etkisi, 2019
- Obez Genç Yetişkin Kadınlarda Uygulanan Düşük Eforlu Yüksek Yoğunluklu Aralıklı Egzersiz Eğitimi (REHIT), 2019
- Training program about spinal cord injuy rehabilitation in R type closed prison,
- Patients Satisfaction With The Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training In Spinal Cord Injury, 2015
- Fizyoterapi teknikerleri için Fizyoterapiye Giriş, ISBN: , 2017
- fizyoterapi teknikerleri için fizyoterapiye giriş, ISBN: 978-605-335-299-0, 2017